We have reopened up the store for our 2021-
2022 school year theme shirts. Visit
https://24hrtees.net/zion2021 to place your
Orders must be made online by noon,
Wednesday, November 24th, so that items will
be ready in time for Christmas! Contact the
office with any questions.
Today is Pie Pick-Up Day! Your orders are filled and waiting for you in the school gym. Please pick up between 3:30 and 5:30. You may park on the east side of the gym (this is advised for big orders). Thank you!
Tomorrow is Zion's Veteran's Day Program! Please come if you can! Also, please send your K-8 students in their khakis and navy Zion polo! Thank you!
Reminder: School picture retakes are tomorrow a.m. If you would like retakes please return the picture envelope with written explanation why. Thank you!
School pictures will be going home today and tomorrow - please look for them! The envelope also has a link if you would still like to order sets. Retakes have been scheduled for Tuesday the 9th.
Tomorrow is carnival day! This fun afternoon (1-4) is a highlight for all! All grades: preschool thru middle school are all invited! Students may wear costumes. Tickets are 25 cents each to play many different games! Win games to earn prizes!
Pie orders and all money need to be turned in Friday. Online orders can be made at tinyurl.com/3wz2afsk. Orders must be submitted by 3:30 Friday afternoon. Thanks!
Zion 8th grade band performs tonight with the Kearney High Wind Ensemble in the KHS theater after a day of collaboration and learning. This opportunity was presented for 8th graders from all across Kearney to experience high school band.
Early childhood parents: please check your email for updates about Mrs. Halva and her class field trips. All trips will be suspended until further notice.
Tomorrow is picture day for all classes (except the MWF Preschool). Please find and return your picture order form. Students who miss tomorrow can be photographed Wednesday morning.
K-8 families: per our dress code, shorts may not be worn from Oct thru March. Please send your child in khaki pants. Thank you!
Thanks for the great scavenger hunt turnout! Remember - no school tomorrow (10/1) for teacher inservice!
Zion families mark your calendars! This week: Thursday, September 30th, join the Zion staff and school board for our scavenger hunt. The hunt will run from 5:30-7:30 and ends at school with a sno cone treat. We are so excited to see you there! More information will be sent home with students later this week.
Unfortunately our new polo order did not arrive in time for tomorrow's K-6 trip to the state fair. Please have your child wear a navy polo instead. Thank you!
We have approximately 12 boxes of Colorado peaches remaining. We will be selling them after school from the office if you are interested. $40 a lug. We will receive our last shipment next Sunday.
Back-to-School Night Tonight! See your rooms, drop off supplies, see your teacher and classmates. There is no meal tonight. Early childhood families are encouraged to visit between 4-6:00 p.m. and K-8 families between 5 and 7 p.m. Come if you can!
Zion Lutheran's Colorado peaches are on sale today in the north parking lot on the corner of 25th St. and D Ave. until they are all gone. $40 a lug. Thank you for supporting Zion Lutheran School!
Reminder: Final registration for the 2021-2022 school year is this Wednesday & Thursday. Please sign-up for a time on the sign-up genius sent to your email. If you didn't get an email or need to reschedule, please call the office. Thank you!
Saturday is moving day for our new teacher! We are looking for volunteers to help with the move to Kearney from Lincoln and to help unload here in Kearney. Text Mr. Splitt (308-293-0168) if you're interested! Thank you!
Just a quick clarification on dress for the musical: Khaki shorts are allowed; just please no skirts/skorts. Thanks! See you tonight!