Dear Zion families,
Thank you so much for your support with our plant sale. This year’s sale has had some new situations for us to handle. Selling $40,000 worth of plants has been a wonderful “problem” to deal with. We hope the gym is able to hold that many plants!
Originally, plants were to arrive on Tuesday the 20th. Due to conflicts, the plants will arrive sometime Thursday morning. If everything goes smoothly, plants will be able to have people come pick up plants according to our signup schedule.
Unfortunately, seeds will not be arriving until sometime Friday afternoon. So if you only have seeds to pick up, no need to stop in on Thursday. If you want to stop by the gym on Friday afternoon to pick up seeds you may. Otherwise, we will send home seeds with students on Monday. We apologize for this.
In addition, if anyone wants to help during the sale, your help would be greatly appreciated. 5th - 8th grade students can work after school on Thursday and Friday. There is a signup sheet at the office to volunteer to work.
Finally, we were able to get some cardboard flats to help customers take their orders home. However, we were not able to get as many as usual due to various circumstances. We will also have the plastic flats to use. So you may want to bring something with you for your plants.
Thank you for your patience as we finalize this last fundraiser of the year!
Zion PTL