Zion Musical 2024


o      Tomorrow, Friday, the 10th, the K-8 students will be doing their final musical practices at the Merryman Performing Art Centers.  We intend to walk as a school the few blocks from Zion to the MPAC.  (Address: 225 W.22nd Street, Kearney)

o      7th/8th will walk over Thursday afternoon for an actor-only rehearsal.

o      If you have any questions, please ask your child’s teacher

Ø FINAL PERFORMANCE: Preprogram music starts at 6:45; Musical will follow, approx. 7:00 p.m. 

o      Students should be at the MPAC by 6:45. Students doing pre-program music should arrive by 6:30. 

o      There is a gym that all students will be dropped off at (this is where students will be picked up at as well).

o      Cost of admission is $1 per person (there will be a collection jar).

o      Attire: all K-8 students, with the exception of the actors, should wear their Zion polo, khakis, and tennis shoes. Also, please, no skirts!

§  Cast members: jerseys w/workout shorts or gym pants